1989 World Tour
1989 World Tour
The 1989 World Tour was the 4th concert tour by Taylor Swift which premiered on May 5, 2015, in Tokyo, Japan and concluded on December 12, 2015, in Melbourne, Australia. She partnered with Apple Music to release a concert film entitled The 1989 World Tour Live.
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Show Team
Show Director
Baz Halpin
assisted by
Melissa Garcia
Production Designers
Baz Halpin – Silent House
Chris Nyfield – Silent House
Lighting Designers
Baz Halpin
Eric Marchwinski
Bryan Barancik
Video content Producer
Silent Partners Studio
Production Manager
Arthur Kemish
SPS Team Leaders
Screen Producer /
Creative Director
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
Artistic Directors
David Emmanuel Fafard
Janicke Morissette