Justin Timberlake Halftime Performance
Justin Timberlake Halftime Performance

Silent Partners Studio was invited to collaborate on Justin Timberlake’s performance at the 52nd Super Bowl Halftime Show, held at U.S. Bank Stadium in Minnesota and broadcast live on NBC, CTV, and RDS on February 4, 2018.SPS was responsible for the design and production of the video content projected across multiple stages and set pieces throughout the performance.
g1i2 https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/917530183/rendition/1080p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=e7ce0a07df3e150917b60ced852576ab59469e5b221fd65b2f09ef7c6c8ddd19
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g1i1 https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/917530405/rendition/540p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=7df9cbc3c51cd135ab6ccc89fb657ef922816e35c6fe311a4c41b112990e729d
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Show Team
Creative Producer
Creative Director
David Cho
Ricky Kirshner
Hamish Hamilton
Production Designer
Bruce Rogers
Bob Barnhart
Video content Producer
Silent Partners Studio
Marty Kudelka
A.J. Harpold
Shutterstock Premier
SPS Team Leaders
Screen Producer
J.T. Rooney
Creative Directors
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
David Emmanuel Fafard