20/20 Experience World Tour
20/20 Experience World Tour
The 20/20 Experience world tour accompanied the release of Justin Timberlake's third and fourth albums, The 20/20 Experience and The 20/20 Experience - 2 of 2. Launched on November 6, 2013 in New York, the tour ended on January 2, 2015 in Las Vegas.
g3i2 https://player.vimeo.com/progressive_redirect/playback/908397895/rendition/1440p/file.mp4?loc=external&signature=544b8095ae1abd97126d28a372f7511402809cf5a7942a01bfa0fbf2053773cb
g1 60%
g2 80%
g3 50%
g4 70%
g5 50%
g6 70%
g7 60%
g8 70%
Show Team
Show Director
Justin Timberlake
Assistant Directors
Marty Kudelka
AJ Harpold
Creative Producer
Nick Whitehouse
Lighting Designer
Nick Whitehouse
Video content producer
Set Designer
Josh Zangen
Production Manager
Robert « Hydro » Mullin
Ralph Larmann
SPS Team Leaders
Screen Producer / Creative Director
Gabriel Coutu-Dumont
Artistic Directors
David Emmanuel Fafard
Janicke Morissette